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Membership Requirements:


Becoming a member of the Viet Nam Vets Legacy Vets Motorcycle Club and our unique Brotherhood takes a process. It starts with a couple of initial requirements:


   - Be a Veteran or a current member of the Armed Services

   - Have a General Discharge or better, and a valid DD-214  

   - Have an American Made motorcycle 650cc or larger

A select group of men that meet these standards will be invited to hang around and participate as a guest in club runs and events. After a reasonable time and if they share our common interests, they'll progress to the prospecting stage.  EVERYONE who wears a patch in this club prospected.

The purpose of prospecting is to enable the Brothers and the prospective member to get to know each other. It ensures that they'll be shown what is required to wear the patch and be called a Brother. It also gives the Viet Nam Vets Legacy Vets MC Brothers a chance to see if the prospective member will represent our Brotherhood and Club with honor and respect. As in every relationship, there is a time of discovery. We are no different. To become a Brother it takes time and effort and we only want the most dedicated men.

The Viet Nam Vets Legacy Vets MC is a unique body of men. We all give 100% to our Club and to our Brothers. We have NO class system. Society's distinctions, which are based on education, vocation or financial status have NO relevance to our Brotherhood.

We pledge to always be there for our Brothers in need.


If you are interested in becoming a member of the Viet Nam Vets Legacy Vets MC and are willing to dedicate yourself to our cause, our Club and most of all our Brotherhood, please feel free to contact any VNVLV MC member.

"Red is for the bloodshed; Black is for the mourning..."

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